Feature Overview
Manage the Logistics Across
Different LocationsSoftware allows managing Logistics from anywhere and anytime . It has the flexibility to give access to the users from anywhere that the work is to be done from.
Create Challan
with Variety of OptionsChallans will show the current day’s consignment note added in the system. User can see the previous data by changing the date range in the search panel. A single challan can be issued consisting of multiple consignment notes.
Capture Insurance
DetailsThrough CRUD the Insurances that are registered with company for their vehicles, Workers and consignment can be added and worked upon. It is a simple uploading and easily can be done
Keep Docs Save with
Digi Lockeris a platform for issuance and verification of documents & certificates in a digital way, thus eliminating the use of physical documents. Paperless access to all records, anytime from anywhere across the platform
Unified and Integrated
PlatformA cloud-based application can optimize supply chain processes; Building a collaborative environment that supports end-to-end business processes An unified platform can provide end-to-end visibility of information flows; OpenText Trading Grid can deliver a single unified platform for you.
Communication & CollaborationIt will support the email and text options for easy accessibility and collaboration across the units.

Increase your business
growth & sales
It is an user friendly software for all our transporters Available in both Web and Mobile platforms Our Safe Translog App helps successfully manage the operational work It is GST Compliant Accessible from anywhere anytime thus helps to manage the Logistics Easy mode of payment -Monthly, quarterly or yearly payments
What you get
- Auto delivery dispatch
- Driver performance management
- Route optimization & navigation
- Customer chat with assigned drivers
- Driver's earnings
All benefits of SafeTranslog at a glance
Cost savings thanks to optimum
route planning
Paper-free operations - No prints for receipts,
notes or documents
Optimise route and reduce
trip delays
Lets Start Driving Revenue
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